How to cancel my Vookmark Pro subscription?
First things first. We are really sad that you are looking to cancel your subscription. Is there anything we could do to make Vookmark Pro better for you? Kindly drop us a note at ! 🙏
The subscription to Vookmark Pro can be cancelled only from the mode you made the subscription from. If you subscribed to Vookmark Pro from the web application, then the option to cancel subscription will be available only on the web. Similarly subscriptions made from the Android or iOS app can only be cancelled from the same app.
Subscriptions come with a trial period of 7 days. If you cancel during the trial period, the charges are reversed and your account will be downgraded to a regular Vookmark account.
Cancellation of subscription after the trial period, will only cancel the renewal of subscription. So you will continue to have access to Vookmark Pro for another year, after which your account will be downgraded to a regular Vookmark account.